Real-time, two-way communications utilizing the Thuraya standard IP service
Thuraya IP M2M enables: 1. Remote terminal debug and configuration;
Options for either subscription-based or pooled allowance
Thuraya IP M2M provides reliable, cost-effective connectivity for remote assets and operations that require the collection of higher volumes of data from remote and industrial sites. The service delivers various advanced functions for different applications such as Utilities, Renewable Energy, LPWAN IoT Gateway Connectivity, Oil and Gas, Weather and Telemetry.
Thuraya IP M2M can support the Thuraya IP+ and builds on the world-class, ruggedized and feature rich Thuraya broadband product portfolio.
Thuraya’s reliable and uninterrupted satellite network enables users to stay connected via satellite mode anywhere under its coverage area across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Ideal for
1. Compressor Monitoring;
2. Tank Liquids Monitoring;
3. LACT (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) Meters;
4. PIGs (Pipeline Inspection Gauges);
5. Rectifiers / Cathodic Protection
Ideal for
1. Diesel Generator Monitoring;
2. Soil Humidity Monitoring;
3. Valve Control;
4. Gas Detection;
5. Dust Monitoring
Ideal for
1. Environmental Monitoring;
2. Meteorological Monitoring;
3. Nuclear Radiation Monitoring;
4. Seismic Detection Systems;
5. Forest Fire Detection
Ideal for
1. Recloser Control;
2. Substation Automation;
3. Meter Reading;
4. Tank Fuel Monitoring
Ideal for
1. Ground Water Level Monitoring;
2. Water Quality Monitoring;
3. Water Drought Monitoring;
4. Leakage Detection Systems